Monday, February 5, 2007


So why another blog?

This is just a way to throw out some of my random thinking on things that come into my mind. Most of it will tend to revolve around the world of the theologocial, but I'm sure there will be goofy things that don't fit nicely into that category. As I get older I have begun to look at the world in a new way. I have started to not merely take everything at face value and start asking the right questions.

And now I feel I must explain the name. There are many things in life that don't seem to make sense. It can be confusing. Thus the paradox. The Christian life is definitely not immune to this. Things can't always be put into neat categories (but we try really hard to put them there). And all of our lives are guided by something. I am trying to let mine be guided by Truth. Thus the orthodox.

This blog is nothing more than my opinion of how I see the world in relation to my Christian walk. Hopefully it is well informed and beneficial to others.

Let the commenting begin...


PARADOX - a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth.

ORTHODOX - sound or correct in opinion or doctrine


Heather said...

Looking forward to reading more.

Anonymous said...

I have also recently taken my baptisty/bible churchy glasses off and am looking at the world a bit differently in my older age :o) I am excited to read more!

Matt Maszczak said...

I think it is amazing how few people actually think about what they believe. Most people just let others tell them what to believe. Search out the truth, God is big enough to handle your questions.